"There is a substantial and growing body of evidence that Gos. Thom. is not what it appears to be."
... M.W. Grondin, Sep, 2019
"The truth, I have always thought, is curious and beautiful."
... Hercule Poirot, in Agatha Christie's Appointment with Death, 1938
"It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important."
... A Case of Identity, in Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1892
The Hidden Structure of the Coptic Prologue (11-10-9-3-9-10-11)
(A letter-count-based chiastic structure of a complexity presumably rare when unintended)
Coptic ms. counts showing precision design and careful inscription
105 | occurrences of the nomina sacra IC/IHC (IHSOUS) |
210 | (Greek numeric value of 'IC') |
1050 | (Greek numeric value of 'Thomas') |
500 | occurrences of Copto-Greek words and names |
2400 | letters in those occurrences (=3*800) |
800 | (the value of omega and XC, n.s. for XRISTOS) |
16800 | letters in main body of text sans prologue (=21*800,80*210) |
14400 | = 16800-2400 and 18*800 (18=IH, n.s. for IHSOUS) |
The Gospel of Thomas as Puzzle-Text (220504)
An Interlinear Translation of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas
... (with links to sites about the Greek P.Oxy. fragments)
... go directly to split-screen page (best view)
A Concordance for the Coptic Gospel of Thomas (May 2013) ... doublets (Jan, 2017)
The Greek-Coptic Differences and How DeConick Handles Them (March 2015)
... DeConick's Thomas Color-Coded (Tim Staker)
Linear Format
Columnar Format
Earliest Testimonia to GTh (Hippolytus on the Naassenes) (May 2016)
Other English Translations of NH Codex II Texts
... (see Op-Ed piece below about Meyer-Patterson translations)
Selected Gospel of Thomas Books in English, 1983-2012
Selected Resources for the Study of Nag Hammadi Codex II
The Nag Hammadi Library (Jan, 2014)
Copto-Greek Number System, Fonts & Transliterations
Brief Notes on the Greek Number System and Early Christianity (Jan '16)
The Nomina Sacra of the Gospel of Thomas and Their Numbers (Sep '17)
Coptic Unicode Fonts and Keyboards
Gospel of Thomas Studies on Facebook (Nov, 2015)
Thomas-Related Writings of GTS Members at Academia (rev 230713)
The Jesus' Wife Chronicles
*** now including latest on Ariel Sabar's Veritas ***
... "The most complete rundown of the Gospel of Jesus' Wife controversy ..."
... Christopher D. Cantwell and Hussein Rashid, Religion, Media, and the Digital Turn, 2015.
Links to Other Sites, Blogs, and Online discussion groups
The Gospel of Thomas in Online Videos and Podcasts (Oct 2013)
General Information about this website
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Reader feedback is invited by the site-owner at the following address:
. since 2019.11.17